Thursday Photo Challenge: TRANSPORTATION

Perserverance, originally uploaded by JoeWorldTraveler.


Thursday Photo Challenge: GROUND

Tree on Cliff, originally uploaded by JoeWorldTraveler.

You make do with all the ground you have.

Taken in Juneau, Alaska.

Thursday Photo Challenge: PASSAGE

Crystal Harmony Enters San Francisco, originally uploaded by JoeWorldTraveler.

This is the last time the Crystal Harmony sailed into San Francisco. It was beautiful. I had no way of stopping the camera from shaking – no tripod, and the ship itself was throbbing. Still, this is one of my favorite pictures ever.

Thursday Photo Challenge: FAMILY

Moai at Rapa Nui

Serenity At Rapa Nui, originally uploaded by JoeWorldTraveler.

The moai of Rapa Nui remind us of the accumulated wisdom of those passed over. As we return their steady gaze, we look out over the beckoning seas. Can we abandon the island of our fathers and mothers?